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From the UK to the EU:

A comprehensive guide for ecommerce success

Discover how to navigate the post-Brexit ecommerce environment and win a share of the massive EU ecommerce market!

Don't miss the £456 billion market on your doorstep!

Ecommerce in Europe is booming, with a mature ecosystem and consumers with high disposable incomes.


The EU ecommerce market currently valued at $580 billion (approximately £456 billion) and expected to grow to $977 billion (approximately £768 billion)  by 2029, so the market opportunity is undoubtably there, but is it unattainable in a post-Brexit world? 


In our simple but comprehensive guide, we will show you that it's possible to successfully navigate the EU and win as a UK brand in 2024. 


Whether you’re new to the EU ecommerce scene or looking to grow your sales, this guide will uncover the market opportunities and strategies needed for success.


Key topics we'll explore:


🔎  Market opportunities: Discover why expanding into the EU is beneficial for UK brands.


🌍 Post-Brexit landscape: Learn about new trading regulations, customs, and taxes.


🗺️ Market intelligence: Assess market size, geographic location, and seasonality.

💻 Product listings:
Optimize your listings to meet EU legal requirements and consumer expectations.

🚚 Fulfillment strategies:
Choose between self-fulfillment and outsourcing, and understand local delivery preferences.


💡 Partnering up: Find the right partners and software providers to streamline your operations.

Simply complete the form on this page and we will email a copy of your eBook straight to your inbox! 
