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- Vakantieveilingen
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With an average of 7 million visits per month, VakantieVeilingen is the market leader in online auctions for physical products, holidays, and leisure packages. Thousands of auctions are live every day and focus on fun, inspiration, and the game of winning. Consumers determine their own price for a product and can bid anytime and anywhere via the website or app.
Talpa e-commerce
Talpa eCommerce is the e-commerce company behind the auction sites VakantieVeilingen, SlaJeSlag, Vavabid and Aladoo as well as the deal website ActievandeDag. The auction sites differ from other deal sites because of the unique auction system, dynamic pricing, and gamification. Talpa Ecommerce (former Emesa) has been part of Talpa Network since 2017. Talpa Network reaches more than 12.8 million Dutch people every month.
Online auction platform
VakantieVeilingen provides online auctions for physical products, holidays, and leisure packages. Set smart filters to only sell products from particular brands, with a specific minimum stock, margin, price, or other criteria. With ChannelEngine, your stock and price on VakantieVeilingen are always up-to-date. Do you want to learn more about our VakantieVeilingen integration? Check out our marketplace guide!
Label options: VakantieVeilingen, Vavabid (Wallonia), SlajeSlag and Aladoo (Germany)
Available as a mobile app
Fulfillment possibilities: Drop Shipping & B2C fulfillment of wholesale products
Payment 21 days after parcel delivery and twice a month
Offer of "second chance" products possible under certain conditions
6 mln customer base + additional impulse-driven customers
Price intransparent auctions and not indexable (e.g., google)
Smart auction algorithm to meet the required turnover
Steer on price, volume, or a combination of both
Easy selling of residual stock
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